Lilac ‘Angel White’
Syringa x hyacinthiflora
This variety has creamy buds and pure white, single flowers with pointed petal tips. The petals recurve, but then the tips roll back inward. The very fragrant blooms have a wild, unkempt quality, but the plant is prone to disease.
Bloom time: early
Site: full sun
Harvesting/Vase Life
This variety has creamy buds and pure white, single flowers with pointed petal tips. The petals recurve, but then the tips roll back inward. The very fragrant blooms have a wild, unkempt quality, but the plant is prone to disease.
Bloom time: early
Site: full sun
Harvesting/Vase Life

Winter Mini Course: Seed-Starting 101
Learn how to start flowers from seed in this three-part video series
In our Winter Mini Course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully start flowers from seed, including all of the necessary supplies, step-by-step instructions, special tips and tricks, and how to create a simple indoor seed-starting area.