Tulip ‘Salmon Parrot’
There aren’t many flowers that rival the beauty or majesty of parrot-flowered tulips. And it’s no wonder why this salmon-pink gem is a four-time award winner. The glowing watermelon blooms are surrounded by a layer of creamy outer petals streaked with green. A must-grow for both flower arranging and a showy display in the spring garden.
Type: parrot
Bloom time: late
Site: full sun
Harvesting/Vase Life
There aren’t many flowers that rival the beauty or majesty of parrot-flowered tulips. And it’s no wonder why this salmon-pink gem is a four-time award winner. The glowing watermelon blooms are surrounded by a layer of creamy outer petals streaked with green. A must-grow for both flower arranging and a showy display in the spring garden.
Type: parrot
Bloom time: late
Site: full sun
Harvesting/Vase Life
How to Grow

Winter Mini Course: Seed-Starting 101
Learn how to start flowers from seed in this three-part video series
In our Winter Mini Course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully start flowers from seed, including all of the necessary supplies, step-by-step instructions, special tips and tricks, and how to create a simple indoor seed-starting area.